Hoa Hakananaiʻa ('lost, hidden or stolen friend'), Moai (ancestor figure)
assigned title
Hoa Hakananaiʻa ('lost, hidden or stolen friend'), Moai (ancestor figure)
assigned culture
assigned date
assigned text
Ancestor figure 'moai', called Hoa Hakananaiʻa (lost, hidden or stolen friend) made of basalt. The back of the figure features intricate petroglyphs associated with the bird man religion (tangata manu): birds, vulvas, dance paddles in the form of stylised human figures, a ring and a girdle design.
assigned provenance
Removed from original location during the HMS Topaze expedition to Rapa Nui (captained by Powell) in 1868 and presented to Queen Victoria by the Lords of the Admiralty. She then gifted it to the British Museum in 1869.
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Items with "digitally described by: Hoa Hakananaiʻa ('lost, hidden or stolen friend'), Moai (ancestor figure)"
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Moai Hoa Hakananaiʻa |